Theater + Visual Art
I grew up loving both art and theater. I took all the art classes I could in high school, and tried out for as many productions as I could manage after school. I remember, when I decided I wanted to be a teacher, I felt that I needed to choose to either be an art teacher or a theater teacher. I chose art with the hopes that I could do theater on the side.
So far, that plan has worked out pretty well!
At Oak Ridge High School, the theater program was an after school club. I became the club sponsor and, in addition to regular meetings and managing the International Thespian Society, we put on two shows a year. I was fortunate to have guest directors so that I could manage the ticket sales, program layout, advertisers, plus making the costumes, and building/painting the sets and backdrops. It was a LOT and, because our budget was small, I did most of it DIY. I even bought hundreds of yards of fabric and SEWED a giant backdrop to fit the large high school stage.

Shortly after I moved to Beaumont (elementary), we got a theater teacher and I now help with all the sets and some of the costumes for her shows. Here are a few photos of my work.
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