What I Wear to Work

My friend at work looks at me, shakes her head, and says "even if I didn't know you were the art teacher, I would KNOW that you are an art teacher"!  I would hope that artsy creative types would dress with some flair, but as an elementary art teacher, I really enjoy dressing up in outfits related to the lessons that I teach.  Yes, I get compared to Ms. Frizzle, but my students LOVE my fun outfits.

I own ONE pattern an I've used it to make about 15 dresses, but none of them look alike.  I enjoy the challenge of changing the neckline or adding an extra bit of trim.  For this onomanapia inspired outfit, I made applique letters out of old t-shirt fabric.

Blame Pinterest for this one!  I saw something like it and thought it looked like a VanGogh painting. The Pinterest link was not correct so, I just painted my own on a thrift store dress.

This rainbow dress is one of my favorites.  It started out as my one favorite pattern, but I made it a V neck and added tons of rick rack.

My pant suit for election day 2016!  I found the white suit at a thrift store and used sharpie markers to draw in the HRC inspired artwork.

Who doesn't need a cupcake appliqued cardigan?

This dress is covered in fancy plates filled with pie! 

I had a lot of fun figuring out how to make the keyhole neckline trimmed in red gingham.

Same pattern, but this time with Frida Kahlo faces and sugar skulls.  My littlest students don't know what to make of this one!

I get tons of compliments on this squirrel dress.  Modcloth sold a skirt made with this fabric, but my dress is cuter!  The original fabric had all the squirrels facing one direction, but that made me crazy so I cut it apart an spent a long time matching everything so that the squirrels meet in the middle.

I wanted a Starry Night dress, so I just painted on a plain blue dress from the thrift store.

I can't show off a bunch of tattoos at work, so I appliqued some vintage style tattoo designs on a sweater and no one at work even cares.

A friend was going to a circus themed party and I almost lent her this dress covered in Russian nesting dolls. Then I decided that using my everyday wear as a circus costume was a little insulting, but even I think this MIGHT be too much pattern.  Oh well, it gets my student's attention!


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