Food Art

Halloween always provides tons of opportunities to make crazy food art!  This cupcake was made with an eyeball gummy, some flesh toned frosting, and melted chocolate!

Everyone loves a vomiting watermelon witch!

I looked at a lot of anatomical drawings before carving this melon brain!

This "Zombie Meatloaf" was broiled to a perfect zombie skin tone.  
The teeth and eyes are onions! It actually tasted good!

Carving pumpkins isn't nearly as challenging as carving a pineapple!

These are cupcakes that I made to look like Krystals hamburgers (southern for White Castle)!  
The bun is cake that I formed with aluminum foil. The hamburger is a chocolate/peanut butter/oat cookie and the rest is frosting!

I won a YEAR'S supply of FREE corndogs for this corn dog creation! 
Corn Dog Elvis is made from 3 corndogs, string cheese, ketchup and mustard. 
Even the guitar strings are string cheese!

I had a lot of fun designing several images for a Halloween themed "Cheetos Art" contest. 

I created each of these with different types of Cheeto chips, puffs, hot fries, etc.

When the Broadway musical "Waitress" tour came to town, I entered their pie recipe contest.  I created these apple rosettes by cutting paper thin apple slices and sculpting them on top of a salted caramel tart. My "Everything's Coming Up Roses" pie was a runner up in the contest finals.

I actually had TWO of the three pie recipes in the contest finals. The winning pie was my "Waiting for Payday" pie! It was topped with chocolate dollar signs and Payday candy bars.  I presented my prize winning pie on a tray that was decorated to look like it came from the restaurant in the show Waitress" and the "guest check" listed all the prizes they for the contest.

When our friend got married, he asked me to make a "Big Foot" themed grooms cake.

Everything on the cake is edible. Big Foot is made of fondant covered in chocolate, the trees are sugar cones, and the dirt path is graham cracker crumbs with cocoa powder foot prints. Big Foot is stringing a banner in the trees congratulating the happy couple.

Here is an "Octonauts" cake I made. I sculpted the submarine from cake.

Here is a 3D "Thomas the Train" cake that I baked and sculpted.


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