I Won the Waitress Pie Competition!

When the Broadway musical Waitress came to town, they hosted a pie contest.  The pies had to be an original recipe AND fit the theme of the show.  I entered three recipes and had two of them in the finals of the contest.

My winning recipe was called "Waiting for PayDay". It was a peanut butter candy pie, with PayDay candy bars and chocolate dollar signs.  I wrote about how the main character in the show is both "waiting" tables to earn her pay day and she is also often short on cash and "waiting" for her pay day to arrive.  I decorated the pie tray with the logo for the pie shop in the musical and the "guest check" featured all the prizes for the contest.

This pie was the runner up in the pie contest.  It was a salted caramel tart with apple roses on top.  This pie was called "Everything's Coming Up Roses" and I wrote about how sometimes life is salty and sometimes it is sweet, but in the end everything works out for the main character of the show.

This was my third pie creation, called "Orange You a Charming Cutie!" It was made with cutie oranges, topped with whipped cream and Lucky Charms and candy conversation hearts that say "cutie".



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